Multidimensional healing

In our body we store the memories of all traumas, pains and gifts and wisdom from past lives and this lifetime and from our ancestors  In order for us to become our true authentic self and to ascend we need to heal all major past life traumas ( over 1000’s over years) from all dimensions and timelines. We need to remove all major spells and negative entities, cords and implants from all lifetimes. Because all these keep your vibration low and have a big impact on your being. In raising your vibration you come a vibrational match to a life of flow, peace, love and joy. 

In a multidimensional healing session I connect with your soul. Your soul knows what you need right now, what healing and guidance you need. Together with my team in spirit we follow your souls guidance.  We never know what is going to happen in a MDH healing session. 

What you have in mind and what your soul has in mind might be slightly different. It is always good to have a clear idea of what you want from a healing session. Just remember all healing is to help you back onto your soul path and to become more balanced and in peace and love, more of your true authentic self, your soul blueprint . 

The more you heal the closer you get to your soul blueprint.

The closer you get to your true self the more downloads and  upgrades  you receive.  Including light body activations and sacred geometry and light code activations.

I call it multidimensional healing because it is healing on all levels; mind, body, soul, emotions and all dimensions. We are healing all layers.

Physical body, etheric body, astral body, mental, causal, diamond and celestial body. 

I have received many healing gifts from past lives and Ascended masters. These gifts I use to help you on your ascension journey.  

In previous lifetimes I was a member of the Arcturian healing team and the Lemurian healing team.  This has greatly enhanced my own healing abilities and I work closely with them.

I work with my soul and team of guides, angels , other beings of light and starnations. My team is from all dimensions from 5-12 D.  They include, angels, archangels, ascended masters, gods and goddesses, unicorns, faeries, dragons, Arcturians, Pleaidians, Blue Avians, Andromedans, Galactic federation of light, Sirian council of light, Lemurian council of light, elementals and other beings of light and love. 

The study of epigenetics has proven that all past life experiences and ancestral experiences are carried with you in your cells and genes. So it is important to heal the major traumas and receive wisdom from these lifetimes and ancestors and receive your gifts and life a life of acting , instead of reacting. 

Past life traumas can have a direct impact on your everyday life, for example unexplained fear of the dark, or of spiders or OCD behavior. 

Implants can keep you stuck, and feeling very low.

Spells and demons and negative entities enjoy playing with you,  helping you to make the wrong decisions and look at things from the wrong angle. 

In a Multidimensional healing session;

If needed we can  receive healing from the Arcturian, Pleiadian and Blue Avian, Andromedan and Mantis healing teams. 

With their help we receive downloads, upgrades, and sacred geometry downloads and DNA upgrades and very big shifts.

In a MDH healing session the following can be received;

  • past life trauma healing; from all lifetimes on this planet and beyond. 
  • ancestral trauma
  • crucifixion 
  • negative energy removal
  • negative entity removal
  • demon removal
  • bloodline healing
  • cord cutting; from all lifetimes
  •  inner child wound healing
  •  physical ailments/pain
  •  implant removal
  •  spell removal( can be from any lifetime)
  •  black magic spell removal
  • Clearing blockages in the chakras, these can be blockages from many lifetimes.
  •  Soul fragment healing
  •  Soul fragment retrieval  
  • receiving light codes activation
  • receiving and integrating sacred geometry
  • psychic surgery
  • DNA activation of light strands
  • receiving guidance and wisdom

All healing and clearing is updated in the Akashic records

In a MDH we also receive advice and guidance from your soul.

All healing is guided by your soul.

Most sessions are done via Zoom, I do offer limited in person healing. 

In a session I create a safe space in the quantum for us to do all the healing, it is a very relaxing experience.

We are beings that have accumulated a lot of trauma and blockages and damage to our beings over 1000s of lifetimes. 

After a healing session

These healing sessions are a  very special  experience that allows you to achieve an enhanced state of mental, emotional, physical and energy balance. You can feel lighter or more balanced, everything seems clearer. Depending on the session the integration of it all can take weeks. 

This work takes place in another dimension in the presence of the interdimensional beings and masters and guides. 

How you feel after a session ;

After this very special experience you can feel lighter, have more clarity, feel calm and at peace. You might feel physical changes in your body, for example no more knee pain.

You can also feel very ill after a MDH healing session, detoxing. You might have a headache, feel nauseous, you might vomit, have diarrhea , go to the toilet more frequently, and sweat. These are all the ways your body detox.

If you are guided to a healing session with me and you can not afford it at the moment. I do offer a limited amount of reduced priced sessions per month. Please send me an email.

We also do group multidimensional healing sessions.

More information on this in the events page.

I met Carmen through a very good friend’s recommendation. I felt very low at that time, and she helped me in several sessions to become ME again. I felt more centred after her sessions and could feel the Love I am again. I found back my trust into life and my being and why I am here. Every session gave me ease and peace and hope and lots of new knowledge and aha moments. Thank you, Carmen, for caring and always being there whenever needed. Thank you for all the love you shine over us and the great vibes. Lots of love.

Great to know there is someone to go to.
Lea Frueh

Carmen is a wonderful, beautiful soul full of light, dedicated to helping others. She handles the most difficult processes and transformations with care and love. I strongly recommend her and her guides 😉♥️ it was a very deep, transformative experience for me and Im sure Ill be back for more.

Julia Agata
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