When you are little you don't understand all the beings you see and the voices you hear. And those around me did not experience or understand what I was talking about , they just smiled at me.
I remember one day very clearly, I was 5 years old, I was at home with my mum and my grandmother and we were chatting, then my mum looked over at my grandmother and said , I dont know what I am going to do, Carmen does not talk much and she is going to school next month. I looked at them and said but I am talking all the time, then I realised, that all the conversations I am having are in my head, because I am talking with all these beautiful and some times scary beings. That was my first realisation, that something about me is not normal at all.

My grandmother use to say I am off with the fairies again, because I was.
Only years later did I hear that my mum believed I could see ghosts, because whenever I mentioned something about scary ghosts she could feel it.
As a teenager I shut down all these beautiful gifts I had, because it was too weird and what’s the point. Little did I know that shutting it down will make me even more uncomfortable in my own skin.
It was in 2006 when I unexpectedly lost my mother when my dark night of the soul started, a very long 7 years of healing, discovering and revealing followed.
In those years I was seeing shamans and healers and conventional psychologists to help me on my healing and discovery journey.
It all played its part in healing me and helping me find me again.
Fortunately as a health and fitness coach I was always very connected to my physical body and what it can achieve through healthy living and movement.
I learned Tai chi and qigong which really helped me to connect to my soul again, and I learned how my mind and emotions and traumas all shaped me and I can change it by healing and connecting to my true self, a very long journey.
I used Reiki and sound healing with my human clients and the animals I worked with, to help them raise their vibration and move stuck energy. As an intuitive and channeller I have always been able to connect with my clients and help them on their physical healing journey.

One fine day the Galactic council approached me during meditation and told me that I am a healer and they will guide me to remember my past lives as shamans, witches and healers.

To help me with my own healing and to become the healer I am meant to be.
A very interesting year followed. During this year , I always worked with spiritual coaches and other healers to help me integrate and understand what was happening.
During the year of remembering past lives I also received training from the Galactic Federation of light. The training was very intense and changed the way I looked at the world and the universe and multiverse.
So many of my gifts came online and I could see and feel a multidimensional world, and interesting things started happening in my world. With the help of my team in spirit I started using my gifts and I started working with other healers.
I was guided to study quantum healing methods, which was a beautiful experience and healing journey and it adds immensely to my clients healing journey.

Many of us are receiving our gifts from past lives.
Just follow your soul’s guidance, don’t ever ignore it. My healing abilities are always evolving as I am becoming closer to my authentic self and more conscious .
I always say I live in two worlds, this physical world and the spirit world, I can easily move between the two worlds . I think as we ascend more and more people will be able to do this.
It brings me immense joy to help my clients on their spiritual journey.
The spiritual process is just that, a journey.