Magical and mystical Unicorn
Unicorns have been part of humanity since at least 400 /BC. This is when the first writings and art work of unicorns date from.
Unicorns on earth
They are said to have been roaming the earth, especially China and India as magnificent , wild beasts with horns. Whoever came in contact with them was healed . So humans started hunting unicorns , an impossible task. Because of this increased brutality of humans, the unicorns left the physical earth, the 3D plane.
Even back in the middle ages, unicorns were seen as pure light, christ consciousness or spiritual bliss, divine consciousness.
You can still see many well known art pieces of unicorns in private collections and public collections and museums. For all those skeptics, it is very interesting to see the unicorn on the English flag and the Scottish flag, all the more reason to know that unicorns are real.
Unicorns are always seen as magical and mystical . Only people of high spiritual nature can interact with them. They are available to any one of us who are longing for a pure heart , filled with love beyond measure. We to can experience the presence of this magical creature.
Unicorns help us on our spiritual path to experience ;
- Beauty in our lives.
- As humans we are so stuck in seeing the negative , the unwanted , the sadness. As we do the deep healing on our spiritual journey we become more and more aware of the beauty in this world. By seeing the beauty and believing there is endless beauty in this world we live a life of experiencing beauty . We feel the beauty of being our heart. We appreciate the beauty in the small things, like a sunset or sunrise, the magical beauty of rainbows, the beauty in all our experiences . As we experience more beauty , we develop more wonder . Unicorns encourage us to see the world through a child’s eyes. Beauty gives us the courage to follow our dreams.
- Transformation.
- The unicorn is a symbol of transformation. As we develop higher consciousness we transform and transcend our human 3D experience. They help us raise our vibration, they guide us out of our own limits and help us to transform into our unique true self. Through pure love we transcend and live a more magical, joyful life.
- Love and purity
Purity means freedom from guilt or evil; innocence. physical chastity; virginity. freedom from foreign or inappropriate elements; purity of expression. As we heal we become more pure, more in alignment with our soul blueprint. As we are more pure we can help this world be a better place for every being. Through purity we are open to the world, we see and experience the world from higher awareness and wisdom
As we are healing we are becoming more love, unconditional love.
It is said that only those that are pure and have a heart of unconditional love can experience the magic of the unicorns. But the unicorns are have come to assist us, they are here now to help us become more pure and experience love in all its forms.

- Healing
Unicorns are master healers. By calling them into our lives we can receive physical, emotional and mental healing. As we heal, our vibration becomes higher, as our vibration increases, we bring into our lives higher vibrational experiences , like attracts like. Leading to more magical experiences .
As we heal from our traumas and programming we also heal the collective consciousness.
- Gratitude and joy
By being in the aura of the unicorn we bring in more joy and gratitude in our lives. Unicorns fill us with joy and gratitude and once we experience this, we can bring it into our daily lives. Just by looking at a picture of a unicorn we feel more joy and gratitude
- Courage and strength
These beautiful beings are courageous and strong as they will fight and stand for themselves and those they love when needed. They fill us with the courage and wisdom to pursue and create our dream life and a better world for everyone. They are physically strong and healthy and guide us to making the healthy choices to be physically in our power.
- Freedom. For us Unicorns embody freedom. As they gallop along rainbows, over mountains, fly across the sky . As legend has it , they will rather die than be captured. They encourage us to break out of our own limits, to explore and be brave to go internally and externally to places we thought we never could.
Those that have unicorns as their spirit animal are always eager to experience new things and love to be free.
Connect with the Unicorns
It is now possible for us to call in the unicorns to help us heal, to help us reach our dreams and be our true authentic selves. These magical beings are here to assist us on our spiritual journey.
To work with the unicorns we need to activate the higher heart chakra . The higher heart chakra is the chakra of pure love , higher consciousness and connection to the spiritual world combined with the 3rd eye and causal chakra.
I encourage you to connect with these magical beings and bring more magic, freedom and courage into your life.
I have created a meditation to guide you to meeting and receive healing from the Unicorns. This meditation is on my Free Resources page.
The other dimensions or realms are accessible to us, all it takes are deep healing, inner reflection and connection to soul and our team in spirit.
I am here to help you live a life of joy, bliss, magic, peace, deeper understanding and higher consciousness.
Much love to you
Carmen Delport