Manage your energy field

Every minute of every day our energy is moving. It is increasing or decreasing depending on what we are thinking , observing, doing and what we are interacting with on this physical plane but also on the non physical plane . Sounds a bit confusing ? 

You are born with an energy blueprint .

This energy blueprint changes as we experience life. Whatever we are going through at any given time in our lives influences our energy . But also what those around us are feeling and experiencing are also influencing our energy. 

Let’s say you wake up in the morning and life is good, you are feeling great, your vibration is high . You have a meeting or meet a friend or see a client whose energy is really negative , or just very negative about life or they have some serious negative entities attached to them . Your energy , your vibration naturally lowers, your energy flows right out to them. You can feel how your mood is dropping, you can feel uncomfortable or you just feel lower than before .

Then you go into a shop or restaurant where the energy is really negative, really low maybe because of something that happened earlier, maybe because of the vibration of the owner or staff. You feel how your vibration drops. You just feel yuck, you feel that something isn’t right . 

And so the day goes on. Sometimes we feel energized by the company we are in or the places we go. When you spend time in nature your energy rises. There is always an exchange of energy. The problem is when you lose  or give too much of your energy away, you can’t recharge it as quickly as you give it away. You can become depleted, tired, drained.

The reasons for that can be that you yourself are going through some pretty intense challenges at the moment, or you have one or multiple negative entities attached. Or you have holes, rips or tears in your energy field or a big one. Or maybe you are trying to do too much . Maybe  you don’t love yourself enough.  And another one we all know about is your unhealed traumas are keeping you in a pattern that lowers your vibration . 

Today I want to talk about the energy we leave behind. 

An event that is traumatic for your soul 

 the energy we left at that moment we experienced a big shock, a break up , death of a loved one ex. When we experience this event , the shock , trauma is hurting us so much that a piece of our soul gets left behind, our soul fragments, and it leaves a piece of our energy behind .  Equally if we do something that we are ashamed of , we leave a part of our soul at that event. When we do something we are ashamed of , it is something that the ego mind wants to do, the soul will never do something shameful.  The ego does this because its been corrupted . 

As we heal that pain , that event we start getting our energy back, and as we bring the fragmented soul back to us we receive more energy , but in order to do this you need to call your  energy back , and get someone that knows how to retrieve and heal fragmented soul parts. 

Negative entities and demons

Their job is to confuse you, to play with your energy. But equally so sometimes a negative entity can make you feel good . ( Because the ego feels good) 

Once the entity is removed the energy comes back to you , but make sure you call it all back.

I also just want to mention that you need to be very aware of who you have sexual relations with. When you share your physical body with someone, you take on their energy, in their energy is their traumas, wisdom, negative entities ex. 

Energy leaks in your energy field

When you have energy leaks, holes, rips, cracks or  tears. It is very easy for you to absorb negative energies but also to lose your own energy. 

It is important to seal these energy leaks. Your energy field can be punctuated by various things. The important thing is to be aware of your energy.

How do you heal a punctured or ripped energy field? 

Exercise to do;

Find a quiet place to relax and visualize yourself in a sphere of golden light or a white light.

Notice how beautiful it feels. 

 Call in your soul or angels or guides , connect with them. 

Ask your team in spirit to show you your energy field. 

If there are any openings at all they will come up as dark spots , or however you see it.

Ask your team to fill it up and seal it for you.

Visualize this .

When it’s done , seal your energy field.

Thank your team in spirit

Breath and feel how much lighter and brighter and stronger you feel.

I will do this exercise whenever I am traveling or going to places or connecting to people where I feel my energy has lowered. 

If you keep losing energy you can become very tired, drained. So make sure you look after your energy . Especially if you are an empath and highly sensitive. 

In this video I talk about energy leaks and how to call your energy back.

Remember you are a powerful being , you can manage your energy. Just listen and feel it .

If you feel that your energy is low , maybe feeling depressed, anxious, lost or just feeling not good working with me, we will find what is taking your energy or where you have left it. And bring it back to you. So that you can be your beautiful authentic self.

I recommend a minimum of 5 sessions with me. As we are complicated beings that have experienced a lot. 

Thank you for being here.

Much love to you


Manage your energy field

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