Experiencing a past life can be a profound experience
But it is completely natural to be skeptical about past life’s . We have been programmed by religion that past life does not exist . So be a good girl or boy this life time or you go to hell.
There are different ways you can experience past lifes . They can be strong memories , they can come back to you in a dream, you can do past life regression or you can be doing another healing modality and a past life comes to you.
All healing I do with my clients are always guided by their soul. So if your soul wants you to do a past life regression , we do it, to receive the guidance and wisdom from it.
Client past life experience
A few weeks ago , a regular client of mine had a profound past life experience . We were not doing past life regression. We were just going deeper into her emotional being and suddenly she was taken back to a very traumatic past life. She was screaming and asking me for help. Her soul knew she was ready for this healing because by now she trusted me completely.
Me and my team and spirit went and joined her in her past life. What happened was deep healing for her. And a very big lesson for both of us.
Youtube video on this past life experience ;
When she was terrified and we went to join her, we go to where the pain is in the energetic body, the multidimensional body and we connect with the akashic records.
Past Life experience from me and my team in spirit view point
Our experience was we saw her falling down a dark tunnel, falling and falling. We caught her and started bringing her up, bringing in light codes . We saw she had some very dense layers of darkness around her, filled with negative entities. My team and I started clearing this , she stopped crying and screaming.
There was a black magic spell on her, or what appeared to me as a black magic spell. This spell has been with her many life times. We started removing the spell.
Her experience , she was taken straight back to an ancient time where she was a slave in the desert. She had shackles around her ankles, she was a man in this lifetime.
They were in a very hot desert, carrying heaving things. There was guards or supervisors screaming and beating them.
Day in and day out the same , over and over, again and again.
Needless to say her thoughts were very negative. Her thoughts were; Life is awful. I hate my life. I am worthless . This is awful ex.
Powerful past life experience wisdom
By repeating these same thoughts over and over for years, it became a spell. A very strong spell that lasted until this life time.
That is how powerful our thoughts are.
After the healing experience she was exhausted for a few days. It was so traumatic and the healing so profound that it needed some time to integrate into the multidimensional being.
As a result she is seeing the beauty in life , she is loving herself, she is grateful for herself and life.
We never know what is going to happen in a healing session, but it is always to your heighest good. Peeling away the layers of programming , gunk and traumas , becoming your true self . A being of love and light. More in flow with life, feeling peace and joy. And understanding life from a higher consciousness .
With quantum healing hypnosis we can go where we need to shine the light , for you to heal and to become more enlightened.
Read more about quantum healing with me here; https://www.carmendelport.com/quantum-healing/
I wish you all a magical week.
Please feel free to contact me to help you on your spiritual awakening.
Much Love
Carmen Delport