Emotions: the messenger

Hello all you Beautiful Souls

I can not believe we are in the middle of 2023.

We have had a rollercoaster year with our emotions.

Wow what an immense year it has been until now. We have shifted so many deep seated pains from this life and past lives.

Every day with my clients I am so blessed to see how they are becoming stronger, more powerful and happier and at peace and most of all knowing who they are and what they want. 

There is so much we can talk about here. But I think today we will talk about our emotions, they are always communicating to us.

Emotions can be strong or subtle.

Over the years as a holistic health coach and healer , since 2008 , I have worked with many clients that suppress their emotions completely. Not just their emotions but also the signals it is sending us through our physical body.

Video on suppressing emotions; https://youtu.be/HAiXN9vD3ws

If we do not pay attention to our emotions and the messages it carries for us. We can become physically ill, we can become depressed, anxious and lose our joy in life. 

My clients normally come to me because either they have no other option, they have seen countless phycologists , tried many different healing modalities or they feel lost.

Yo-yoing between depression,  anxiety, anger and frustration, tiredness and loss of pleasure in this world and this is confusing them, and they don’t know what to do. 

But one thing all my clients have in common is that know they are more than this physical being. And they know there is more to life than what they are experiencing right now. They just need someone to guide them and help them to believe and free themselves from this darkness. 

It is important to realize that our emotional pain is not trying to hurt us, it is crying for our attention, it wants to be noticed and understood. 

When we suppress an emotion , we are literally suppressing a part of ourselves , we are disowning a part of ourselves. It is like shutting a door on a part of you. I am trying here to make you realize the harm you are doing to yourself by denying your emotions to communicate with you clearly. 

When we heal that pain or trauma associated with the emotion , we allow that part of us to integrate into us again. We are wiser from the lesson and we can be more complete and be more of our true self. 

When we work through these painful emotions we can have great insight and deeper understanding of self and others that might have contributed to the pain. 

Doing inner child healing or younger self healing is a process that can set us free from what might be keeping us stuck in repeating patterns or behaviors and situations.  Check out my quantum healing page; https://www.carmendelport.com/quantum-healing/

Video on younger self healing; https://youtu.be/R95IiObGcic

In younger self healing , I use quantum healing hypnosis to help you find those stuck suppressed emotions , receive the wisdom from it and heal it. When we do quantum healing hypnosis it is important to know that you never alone, with my psychic gifts I am with you and know when you need my help and you will be safely guided and supported by me and my team in spirit and your team in spirit.

Sometimes when a client has already done a lot of work on a specific trauma we might just need to go in and heal the trauma, the last cherry on the cake .

With multidimensional healing we remove the trauma from the multidimensional being. Check out multidimensional healing; https://www.carmendelport.com/multidimensional-healing/

 The traumas and pains we are healing in this lifetime is something that we are repeating from a past life (multiple pastilles) , a karmic cycle/lesson . Most people find this very interesting and it makes complete sense to them.

 It can also be ancestral, a repeated behavior or lesson that our parents or grandparents or many generations have been repeating. With multidimensional healing we go to the akashic records and heal the same trauma from past lives.  We also energetically heal the trauma from the ancestral lineage.  

The most important message I want to share with you today is never ever suppress your emotions, listen to them , feel them, journal on them. Most of the time this can be a great relief, sometimes it can be the start of something much deeper that is ready to come up to the surface. 

July is a very spiritual month, it is the 7th month in a number 7 year. We also had the 777 portal on 7 July.  This month we are looking at your life differently , from a deeper understanding of self.

This can also be the month that those deeper emotions we have been hiding from are knocking to come out , be seen and heard. It is time for younger self healing.

I wish you a beautiful month filled with joy and happy moments. Let’s all together raise the vibration on this planet. By healing ourselves we are healing the collective, we are all one.  

Please feel free to message me or call me if you would like more information on working with me, to help you along your spiritual journey.  Working with me all healing is guided by your soul. 

Much love to you beautiful being of the light 

Carmen xxx

Emotions: the messenger

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